Friday, December 10, 2010

Testing, one, two, three.....

Thanks first of all, to my new friend Amy for helping (read....completely doing with only criticism from me) set up this blog, and for the wonderful support she has given to our adoption. You will not be forgotten!

I hope I am doing this right. I'm brand new to blogging like this. I tend to be technophobic. I caught myself giving the TV remote to our 13 year old because I could not figure out how to make the TV work....very much like my mother did to me about 5 years ago.  But, I told myself that if everyone else could do it, so could I, and with Amy's help, here I am.

Jim and I have another adoption blog that we have kept during our previous adoptions, found at   Look for "stolz adoption" then click on blogs or something like that. I wanted to do a blogger blog though, so here we are for this adoption.

Tomorrow I will post an update about our adoption. But, I guess we are officially off and running.



  1. YAY! Welcome to the world of blogger :)

  2. Look forward to following your journey to your boys!

  3. OH! I didnt' know YOU were adopting Matt and Jacob! Congratulations! :) They are both so adorable!!!! :)

  4. So glad you're blogging! I'll be following!

  5. Very cool. I like the name of your blog and the description of you and your family. May God bless you on your journey.
    Joy McClain,RR

  6. Mary I'm sooooo happy to see that you're blogging! Looking forward to reading about Jacob's adoption! -much love from Amy's crew :)

  7. Now that you'll be blogging all the latest news here, is there any reason for me to walk two doors down anymore to chat with you?

  8. Mary! I'm so glad you're doing this. I haven't blogged since the night before I left to get Molly and Myia from Latvia - April 2009! LOL - There just isn't enough time in the day! I can't wait to follow your journey to Matt and Jacob! Linda RR
