Friday, September 16, 2011

Progress Report

I stalked the National Visa Center last week, and the beginning of this week, to find out when exactly the package would be forwarded to Bulgaria to the Embassy. On Monday, they said I could call back on Friday to check and see if they had processed it yet. Then, Tuesday morning I awoke to an email from Toni that the Embassy had called her and our paperwork is there. YIPEE!!!!
The visa appointment is for Monday, Sept 19 at 2PM Bulgarian time. Toni said they requested that SHE personally come, and that she not send an associate to complete the inteverview. She is not sure why this request was made, but told me that they do go over everything very carefully.
We know that there was an error in Martin's physical paperwork update. In it, they stated that in addition to him having Down syndrome (Trisomy 21), he also had Edward's syndrome and Patau's syndrome (Trisomy 18 and 13). This is impossible, as each of these syndromes, independently, have much shorter life expectancy, if the child even lives to birth. To have all three, well, it is just not possible. We caught this while we were in Bulgaria visiting, and I questioned it. We talked about the best way to handle the situation, and it was decided that a correction should be made to the official diagnostic letter.
The orphanage made arrangements for Martin to be seen and evaluated in Sofia, which was accomlished (which means he got to ride in a car! YIPPEEE Martin...while we were there, that was his biggest go in a car!) and a letter correcting the diagnosis was written, filed with the MOJ, and Toni says the Embassy has a copy of it by now.
We HOPE that was the concern that they want to talk to Toni about in person.

After the Visa interview, the Article 5 letter is released (usually the next day), then it gets sent for translation/authentication. We are hopeful that we will be in line for the final MOJ signatures by the last week of September. At that point, everything is submitted to the courts, and we wait for our judicial assignment and date!

Moving right along...maybe at a snail's pace, but still, moving along.


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